London Calling...
Hi everyone, after an awesome couple of days in Amsterdam we have arrived safe and sound in London.

We were very kindly offered accomodation in a houseboat by Phil and Yvonnes friend's Ria and Gerda, and we loved it. Thank you all.

Phil picked us up from the airport at a blurry eyed 5:30am and after circling the location a few times we found our way to the houseboat. My friend Silke and her boyfriend Stefan drove from Germany to join us in the afternoon and later that day we cruised up the Amstel on Ria's dinghy.

It was a great way to see the city, Captain Reg safely avoiding the tour boats and larger vessels when we braved the harbour with our 6horse power outboard gunning the wakes.

We had an interesting night out on Saturday in the heart of old town, and managed to stumble onto the plane to Heathrow the next day.

Now in London we are staying at the flat I will be living in this year. It is mostly a crew I grew up with in Hawkes Bay Sam Edwards + his girlfriend Becks, Scott McKensie, Jason Miritana, and 2 English girls, Erika + Charlie. The flat is really nice, modern and easy to get to the local tube station Acton town. Here is my address for those that don't have it:
75 Brouncker Road, W38AF, Acton London.

Reg and I did a tour around London yesterday on a double decker bus and a boat up the Thames. The tour was excellent, such amazing architecture and we learnt alot of history about the city and the buildings.

Even having lived here Reg was impressed again with the detail in the old buildings, seeing the shcrapnel holes in an old church from the German bombers was very cool. I am looking forward to exploring the city in more detail while I live here. We are going to see Reg's brother Angus' band play in town tonight.
We fly to Portugal early tomorrow morning to meet up with Sam Edwards and Scott McKensie on the coast in a small fishing village called Peniche. So hopefully lots of good waves for us on the horizon.
will post again soon,
- the boys
Dear Paul and Reg, have just logged on for the first time and am delighted to see you are having a great time. Am insanely jealous of all the wonderful experiences you are having - you have obviously planned this all in minute detail. Thanks for the postcard with the revolting photo - komodo dragons tearing a goat apart - it is already a treasured object. Keep well. Can't wait to hear about Portugal. Cheers, Jonty Barnes
Hey Paulie
jealous! jealous! jealous! but i am off to tokyo next week . i have given way to gay abandon and am being very frivolous. life is for living hey? attempting a blog of my own. a little odd obviously.
check it!
Don't go slipping into to many hand-bags aye...
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